Barnaby Baker – Musicians Connected

Published On: September 25, 2019Categories: News2.7 min read

The Bob Rehill Entrepreneur Programme, spearheaded by experienced and professional entrepreneur Bob Rehill, has begun work on an exciting new entrepreneurial project with 17-year-old Barnaby Baker, a student at The Sixth Form College Farnborough.

Following a thrilling ‘Dragon’s Den’ style pitching session earlier in the year, Barnaby’s business was chosen as one of the winners and work has now started to get the music services business up and running. Barnaby business idea is to tap into the talent of young musicians at the college and give them the opportunity to perform whilst inspiring others, for example in schools, youth groups, charity events, care homes and so on. He believes one-to-one theory lessons would also be beneficial, and that there is a huge market available to engage with these young musicians.

“I came up with the idea after speaking with a Music teacher at college about how lucky we are to have the level of music education we do and how in some primary schools, Music is being pushed aside for more academic subjects like Maths and Science. Over the next few years, I’d like to start getting children more inspired and excited about Music by going into schools and showing them what music really is about and how accessible it is for everyone.”

I’d like to start getting children more inspired and excited about Music by going into schools and showing them what Music really is about and how accessible it is for everyone.

Barnaby has a passion for music, having started playing the piano when he was 7 and it snowballed from there, with George Harrison and Rachmaninoff as his biggest inspirations, as both were innovative and inspiring performers that changed music forever. He has always wanted to start his own business and the Bob Rehill Entrepreneur Programme was a great way for him to gain the help and experience he needs to be successful. “Working with Bob has been a total eye opener as to how little I knew about everything business related, and without his expert help I’d still be at square one. My favourite part of working with Bob so far has to be the first time I sat down with his team and brainstormed all of my ideas on a big whiteboard. It really put things into perspective and made what I want to achieve realistic. I am excited to see what happens over the next few months and to see how my business progresses with their help.”

My favourite part of working with Bob so far has to be the first time I sat down with his team and brainstormed all of my ideas on a big whiteboard. It really put things into perspective and made what I want to achieve realistic.

Bob Rehill comments “I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Barnaby and working with him so far. He has a clear vision as to what he would like to achieve and as a team, we are really excited to be supporting him over the coming months.”

The next steps for Barnaby include setting up his social media accounts, designing a website and beginning to market his idea to potential customers. Watch this space!